Ty Tower
tytower at
Thu Mar 20 17:40:49 PDT 2008
Janice Caron Wrote about Kris
I assume its Kris Bell , here is what he wrote about hinself in his book,well--- shared book
KRIS BELL is a Scottish pirate and wannabe musician, part-time photographer, avid traveler, open source advocate, miscreant techie dweeb, and a principal Tango contributor. He enjoys swimming, cycling, sailing, and occasional hikes, and recently took up rock climbing. Previously, he dabbled in a bit of car racing and skydiving, and once took a flying-trapeze course (which served only to cement his vocation of choice). He currently lives in California, though he hails from the Scottish west coast and has a dodgy set of bagpipes to remind him of home.
Kris has a varied background in engineering and architecture, spanning application servers to RAD tool sets, embedded operating systems to graphics engines, workflow to high-performance clustering and failover substrata. Some commercial systems he has designed/built include enterprise and Inter-net application platforms, factory-automation systems, carrier-grade middleware,immersive-environment simulation, and crazy interactive clothing. In a different age, he would probably have been a steam-locomotive engineer, a swashbuckling Jolly Roger, or a funky bell-ringer.
similar origin to me the Highlander bit . That about says it all doesn't it?
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