const debacle

Sean Kelly sean at
Fri Mar 21 11:09:18 PDT 2008

== Quote from Steven Schveighoffer (schveiguy at's article
> "BCS" wrote
> >
> > IIRC Walter has something planed for this. Something to do with a "return"
> > const type. It would do just that; "the function's return type has the
> > same constness as one of it's arguments."
> >
> > In short: Not yet.
> I remember that idea.  I'm concerned however that in this mode, the compiler
> will not check the function itself for const-correctness (i.e. ensure it
> doesn't modify the input) because the argument will not be const.  See my
> reply to Walter for my example.  I want a way to specify "the function's
> return type has the same constness as one of it's arguments, and it promises
> not to modify that argument, and the compiler made sure of that."

Oops, I'd forgotten about this while writing my post.  In short, I don't think there's any way to do this
automatically.  You'd likely either have to supply the type manually or resort to some sort of proxy
function to do this for you.


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