Why I (Still) Won't Use D
Benji Smith
benji at benjismith.net
Thu Mar 27 11:31:52 PDT 2008
e-t172 wrote:
> Benji Smith a écrit :
>> I also would have preferred to have growable arrays and associative
>> arrays in the standard library than in the language.
>> // Would be ideal. Growable arrays would be best implemented as a
>> // templatized collection class.
>> List!(String) words = [ "hello, "world" ];
> Did you read http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/builtin.html ?
Yeah, and while there are some good points to consider there, think
about this...
The d language includes 3 different kinds of containers:
* Fixed-size immutable lists of immutable values (aka, static arrays)
* Growable im/mutable lists, of im/mutable values (aka, dynamic arrays)
* Growable im/mutable maps, with hashed buckets, backed
by red-black-trees (aka. associative arrays).
What about all the other types of containers?
* Sets/MutliSets/SortedSets (backed by hashtables or trees)
* SortedMaps/MultiMaps (backed by hashtables or trees)
* LinkedLists/SkipLists
* BinaryTrees/N-AryTrees/BTrees
* Heaps
Why the special syntax and compiler support for only a small portion of
the container family? Really, shouldn't there also be a built in 'set'
implementation as well?
And, while it's straightforward to develop multiple implementations of a
standard container interface (like Map or List) with different data
structures, it's impossible to replace the data structures backing an
associative array or a dynamic array.
When an API developer writes a method expecting a map container (with
keys and values), the developer is forced to choose between a
polymorphic library implementation and a non-polymorphic associative
array implementation):
doSomething(Map!(K, V) map);
doSomething(K[V] map);
The interface-based library implementation allows the function to accept
multiple types of data structures, as long as they support the map
interface. Users of the built-in assoc array function are stuck with the
compiled-in implementation of the type.
And the built-in implementations don't play nicely with a full container
library. Right now, the associative array type is defined as an
*UNORDERED* collection, allowing no duplicate keys (but potential
duplication of values). If you call its .keys property, you get back a
dynamic array of its keys, but a dynamic array is an *ORDERED*
collection that permits duplicates, so the returned collection distorts
the contract of the collection that produced it.
A container library might implement a new Set interface, as an unordered
collection of non-duplicate values. The consumers of the Map interface
would probably like the Map.keys property to return a Set, since it
paints a clearer picture of the Map contract.
But users of associative arrays won't be able to do the same. They'll be
stuck with the built-in behavior.
Anyhow, those are just a few thoughts.
The built-in collection of types should include types with only one
sensible implementation. A fixed-size list has only one sensible
implementation: an array. So it makes sense for it to built in.
That's why I think the other types would be more at home in a library.
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