Sean Kelly
sean at
Fri Mar 28 10:48:12 PDT 2008
== Quote from Janice Caron (caron800 at's article
> On 28/03/2008, Oskar Linde <oskar.lindeREM at> wrote:
> > 1. Plain data types don't need the storage constancy to be a part of the
> > type.
> But they do, for the following reason. Suppose I implement a custom
> container. Then I would want
> MyContainer!(char)
> to behave differently from
> MyContainer!(const(char))
> The only way I can see of achieving this is if char and const(char)
> are distinct types.
Or if there are two distinct container types. ie.
MyCotainerView!(char) and MyContainer!(char).
This doesn't require language support to achieve.
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