Removing D embedded in HTML feature

Bjoern nanali at
Sun Mar 30 13:59:44 PDT 2008

Walter Bright schrieb:
> Scott suggested this be removed for D 2.0. Is anyone at all using it, or 
> have plans to use it, or can make a good case for keeping it?

Please keep it.

I am conviced that "text only" is not enough for next generation code 
editors. a few examples :

a database application could embedd an Entity Relationship model. This 
could be a simple static graphic, or even an interactive live model 
which generates D code. (using java applets, ActiveX, ...)

D has strong OOP features, why not having an interactive UML modeler 
within the code.

D has builtin profiler support, why not embedding a charts, coloring 
time critical sections.

extented Documentation support

I am convinced that, once the first HTML base D code-editor is released, 
several new, fantastic ideas will be born.

I guess java applets can be used as code generators, code watcher 
(safeD, without using the compiler) ....

I thinking about : "how a next generation code editor should look like" 
for quit a while and hope to implement an HTML based (or hypertext based 
in general) Editor for D for use in my IDE.


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