why ; ?
Michael Neumann
mneumann at ntecs.de
Thu May 8 08:30:08 PDT 2008
Don wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>> Python's semantically-meaningful indentation was intended to fix the
>>> problem of poorly-indented code by enforcing proper indentation in
>>> the language and compiler. But the problem is, it *doesn't* actually
>>> enforce it. In fact, it *can't* enforce it because it doesn't have
>>> enough information to enforce it. All it really does (and all it's
>>> able to do) is run around *assuming* your code is properly indented
>>> while silently drawing semantic conclusions from those (obviously not
>>> always correct) assumptions.
>>> In fact it's really the same root problem as "no variable
>>> declarations". In both cases, the compiler does nothing but assume
>>> that what you wrote is what you meant, thus silently introducing
>>> hidden bugs 1. Whenever you didn't *really* want the new variables
>>> "my_reponse" and "my_responce" in additon to "my_response"
>>> (VB/VBScript coders use "option explicit" *for a reason*), and 2.
>>> Whenever you didn't *really* want to break out of that
>> That goes back to the point that a language needs redundancy in order
>> to detect errors. Having semantically-meaningful indentation, removing
>> redundant semicolons, and implicitly declaring variables all remove
>> redundancy at the (high) cost of inability to detect common bugs.
>> Those things are fine for scripting language programs that are fairly
>> short (like under a screenful). It gets increasingly bad as the size
>> of the program increases.
> Implicitly declared variables are probably the greatest of all false
> economies in the programming world.
> bugs(no variable declarations) > 100 * bugs(dangling pointers).
Is that your own experience? Only practice tells the truth!
Would you say that Smalltalk is a scripting language? See where it is
used, and notice the size of the applications written in it.
I am sure every C program includes more errors than the worst
Ruby/Python program you can ever write. Not so sure about other
scripting language... :)
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