why ; ?

Janice Caron caron800 at googlemail.com
Thu May 8 10:20:15 PDT 2008

> Programmer, who got used to one language finds it difficult to switch to another language, because different languages require different styles of thinking. Thus for C programmer it's difficult to understand block statement without braces :) and for basic programmer it's difficult to delimit block statement with braces.

Ah yes - that's probably true.

I wonder if it's possible to write a standalone tool that doesn't know
or care about language grammar (except maybe some general rules about
what constitutes a quote or a comment), that can freely convert

    Lorem ipsum (dolor sit amet)
        consectetur!(adipisicing)(elit, sed);
            eiusmod tempor incididunt;
            ut labore;
            et dolore;


    Lorem ipsum (dolor sit amet):
        consectetur!(adipisicing)(elit, sed)
            eiusmod tempor incididunt
            ut labore
            et dolore
        magna aliqua

If so, we can have not only D-in-Python-style (which I'd never use),
but also Python-in-D-style (which I actually might). It sounds like it
ought to be feasible.

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