Safer casts
Bruce Adams
tortoise_74 at
Fri May 9 16:50:37 PDT 2008
On Fri, 09 May 2008 19:58:49 +0100, Janice Caron <caron800 at>
> On 09/05/2008, Robert Fraser <fraserofthenight at> wrote:
>> I'm sorry if this post sounds argumentative, but I disagree strongly
>> with
>> pretty much everything in this post. So no hard feelings, peace,
>> respect,
>> all that ;-P.
> All is peaceful here on the newsgroup. This is just a nice, friendly
> chat. Nothing has been suggested "officially", and nothing will be, if
> folk here don't like the idea.
>> > to!(T)(x)
>> >
>> > where to! is a template function provided by std.conv (not a keyword).
>> > to! already performs many conversions. Throwing in the basics like
>> > to!(int)(double) would be an obvious extension.
>> Ick! That means another identifier that needs to be a compiler built-in
> Um. No.!(T) already exists.
> I guess what you're saying is, it's not possible to write a function
> like toInt(double) if the cast operator is gone. I hadn't thought of
> that. In that case, maybe it should be
> cast!(T) // lossy conversion
> to!(T) // conversion that always succeeds, or throws an exception
>> And why "union", that seems like an arbitrary keyword.
> It wasn't entirely arbitrary. A union /is/ a reinterpretation of bits.
> It's one memory layout painted over another. (And it's a lot shorter
> than "reinterpret_cast").
>> > auto!(T)(x)
>> How is that better than "cast(T) x;". I guess just because it creates
>> the
>> distinction?
> I guess I just couldn't think of anything better. :-) D doesn't have a
> word for "mutable", and C++'s "const_cast" is too long. (And also
> misleading, since its primary use is to /remove/ constancy, not add
> it).
>> Okay, sorry that was so negative. But it just seems that cast() works
>> perfectly fine for _all_ those things right now. If what you want is
>> safer
>> casting, you can write your own templates to do that.
> You can? I confess, my template writing skills aren't up to the job.
> If it could be done, that would be interesting. Obviously, you'd have
> to use non-reserved words for the names though.
> I'm curious to know if C++'s dynamic_cast<T>, const_cast<T> are
> implemented with templates. They certainly /look/ like C++ templates.
They look like templates deliberately because they do a similar job
but are not (in any implementation I have seen). The same could be made
true for any "cast!" magic. I think this is one place where breaking
the rules is more acceptable. That said, I think the reason we still have
C style
casts in C++ is because they are the only way to implement cast templates.
in the mysts of time this was how it was done. Does anyone have a copy of
"the design and evolution of C++" to hand? I bet the answer is in there.
On another note I like that reinterpret_cast and const_cast are hard to
It slows you down and hopefully encourages you to think about why you might
be doing something evil.
Another poster's comment that reinterpret_casts are mostly to and from
void* hit home
for me. I don't think this is as much of a problem when your hierarchy is
based on
object though. I also don't like your choice of union. I can see the C
connection but it
doesn't say re-interpret to me. Something more like good=force!(evil)
When reviewing and correcting C++ code I make use of the _cast anchor as
(a code smell) to search for. This would be harder for single words. My
language design
axiom here would be longer names for more dangerous uses.
Otherwise I like the proposal. I hope the discussion leads to something
more concrete.
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