Hello D World

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips at gmail.com
Fri May 9 19:15:19 PDT 2008

On Fri, 09 May 2008 17:10:54 -0400, Dee Girl wrote:

> I read the online documentation of D and decided to give it a try. I'll
> need to choose one of D1 with Phobos, D1 with Tango, or D2 with Phobos.
> The minimalist in me wants Phobos, the app writer wants Tango, and the
> programming language lover wants D2. Any advice on what combination I
> should choose? I want to first write a few programs for my own use.
> Thank you, Dee Girl

I will suggest D1 + Tango. Reason for D1 is that D2 is in development, 
you won't find many programs written in it or much help surrounding it. 
Tango because that is what I have chosen. And the best way I can describe 
what it is like working either library is: Phobos is like writing in C 
but much nicer and cleaner, Tango is like writing in C++ but much nicer 
and cleaner.

I would suggest learning it all eventually but start with just one.

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