Why we chose not to use D for our Linux project

Bruce Adams tortoise_74 at yeah.who.co.uk
Wed May 28 18:27:06 PDT 2008

On Wed, 28 May 2008 22:44:14 +0100, Bill Lear <rael at zopyra.com> wrote:

[Too much to usefully summarise...]

It sounds like one problem is that this DBI package is being maintained  
mostly on Windows.
The case sensitivity issues are a dead give away. This would also explain  
the permissions
problems and probably the library ones too.
You are effectively doing the porting work for this package so its no  
surprise you are
struggling to get something up and running quickly. Porting something when  
you are working
with a known toolchain is one thing but doing it with tools you are less  
familiar with is
going to be a struggle.
Perhaps there is a more appropriate tool-chain and or library choice  
available for your needs
already. Then again maybe not given the rest of this thread. There is  
(someone will correct
me if I'm wrong) some consensus that gdc is the way to go on linux.  
Especially if you are
only intending to use D v1 and not v2 (in spite of all the extra coolness  
it makes available).



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