D 64-bit ?

dsimcha dsimcha at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 1 06:55:33 PDT 2008

== Quote from Xinok (xnknet at gmail.com)'s article
> Robert Fraser wrote:
> > Daniel Ribeiro Maciel wrote:
> >> Who still use a 32-bit computer these days anyways.
> >
> > Most people.
> Since the topic is here, I'd like to make a suggestion for when to make
> a 64-bit compiler.
> I think the right time is when D 2.0 is stable and we begin to move away
> from D 1.0. Instead of jumping straight to D 3.0, we could spend a
> little time developing a 64-bit compiler for D. It would give us a
> stable and unstable branch like we have already. And developers could
> update their code for D 2.0 and 64-bit hardware at the same time.
> Besides, I don't think we should start development on D 3.0 so soon. I
> think it's better if a language doesn't evolve too quickly. It gives
> time for developers to get settled in and write stable code for D,
> without the need to update it every couple of years.

Given that LDC is going to be released any day now, and should support 64-bit, any
estimates of how long it will take for LDC to support D2?  I work with huge
datasets and occasionally run up against the 2 gig address space barrier of 32 bit
on a computer with 4+ gigs of RAM.  Therefore, I for one would really find such a
thing useful.

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