Escape analysis (full scope analysis proposal)
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Sun Nov 2 16:04:37 PST 2008
Michel Fortin wrote:
> On 2008-11-02 10:12:46 -0500, Andrei Alexandrescu
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> said:
>> It looks like things will move that way. Bartosz, Walter and I talked
>> a lot yesterday about it - a lot of crazy things were on the table!
>> The next step is to make this a reference, which is highly related to
>> escape analysis. At the risk of anticipating a bit an unfinalized
>> design, here's what's on the table:
>> * Continue an "anything goes" policy for *explicit* pointers, i.e.
>> those written explicitly by user code with stars and stuff.
> That's a little disapointing. I was hoping for something to fix all
> holes. I know it isn't easy to design and implement, but once done I
> firmly believe it would have the potential to completely eliminate the
> need for explicit memory allocation. For the programmer, it's a good
> trade: less worrying about what needs to be dynamically allocated and
> better documented function signatures.
> Perhaps that would be too much of a departure from C and C++ though.
That's only the half of it. If you want to take a look at a C-like
language that is safe, you may want to look at Cyclone. The reality is
that making things 100% safe are going to require more or less the moral
equivalent of Cyclone's limitations and demands from its user. I think
Dan Grossman has done an excellent job making things "as tight as
possible but not tighter", so Cyclone is a great yardstick to measure
D's tradeoffs against.
>> * Disallow pointers in SafeD.
> Again a consequence of not having a full scoping solution.
A "full scoping solution" would impose demands on you that you'd be the
first to dislike.
> Couldn't you allow pointers in SafeD, while disallowing taking the
> address of local variables? This would limit pointers to heap-allocated
> variables. And disallow pointer arithmetic too.
I think pointers can be allowed in SafeD under certain restrictions
starting with the ones you mention. We best start from the safe end.
>> * Make all ref parameters scoped by default. There will be impossible
>> for a function to escape the address of a ref parameter without a
>> cast. I haven't proved it to myself yet, but I believe that if
>> pointers are not used and with the amendments below regarding arrays
>> and delegates, this makes things entirely safe. In Walter's words, "it
>> buttons things pretty tight".
> If this means you can't implement a swap function for this struct, then
> I think you're right that it's safe:
> struct A
> {
> ref A a;
> }
> void swap(ref A a0, ref A a1);
> On the other side, if you can implement the swap function, then calling
> it is unsafe since you can rebind a reference to another without being
> able to check that their scopes are compatible.
Swap will work fine because ref is not a type constructor. Struct A is
in error. In fact ref not being a type constructor is much of the beauty
of it all.
> So basically, references must always be initialized at construction and
> should be non-rebindable, just like in C++. (Hum, and I should mention I
> don't like too much references in C++.)
No, C++ references are "almost" type constructors. Also note that
rvalues won't bind to any kind of references in D. (More on that later.)
>> * Make this a reference so that it obeys what references obey.
> Ah, so that's why Walter wanted to change that suddenly. This is a good
> thing by itself, even without correct scoping.
Yah, in fact it's pretty amazing it seems to work out so well. We gain a
huge guarantee without changing much in the language.
>> * If people want to implement e.g. linked lists, they should do it
>> with classes. Implementing them with structs will require casts to
>> obtain and escape &this. That also means they'd be using pointers, so
>> anything goes - pointers are not restricted from escaping.
>> * There are two cases in which things escape without the user
>> explicitly using pointers: delegates and dynamic arrays initialized
>> from stack-allocated arrays.
>> * For delegates require the scope keyword in the signature of the
>> callee. A scoped delegate cannot be stored, only called or passed down
>> to another function that in turn takes a scoped delegate. This makes
>> scope delegates entirely safe. Non-scoped delegates use dynamic
>> allocation.
> Again, I'd say that if you can implement a swap function with those
> scope delegates, it's unsafe. Case in point:
> void f1(ref scope void delegate() arg)
> {
> int i;
> scope void f2()
> {
> ++i;
> }
> scope void delegate() inner = &f2;
> swap(arg, inner); // this should be an error.
> arg = inner; // this too should be an error.
> }
> If you can't rebind a the value of a scope delegate pointer, then all is
> fine.
Indeed, rebinding would be disallowed.
>> * We don't have an idea for dynamic arrays initialized from
>> stack-allocated arrays.
> Either disallow it, either keep it as unsafe as pointers (bad for SafeD
> I expect), or implement a complete scope-checking system (if you do it
> for arrays, you'll have done it for pointers too). You don't have much
> choice there, as arrays are pretty much the same thing as pointers.
Exactly. Essentially array are as "bad" as structs containing pointers.
>> Thoughts? Ideas?
> I'm under the impression that scope classes could be dangerous in this
> system: an object reference is not necessarly on the heap.
I think a fair move to do is deal away with scope classes. We can still
allow them via systems-level tricks, but not with an innocuous construct
that's in fact a weapon of mass destruction.
> Personally, I'd have liked to have a language where you can be
> completely scope safe, where you could document interfaces so they know
> the scope they're evolving in. This concept of something in between is a
> nice attempt at a compromize, but I find it somewhat limitting.
I agree. Again, something like this was on the table:
void wyda(scope T* a, scope U* b)
if (scope(a) <= scope(b)
a.field = b;
I think it's not hard to appreciate the toll this kind of user-written
function summary exacts on the user of the language.
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