D on Reddit

Clay Smith clayasaurus at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 08:16:26 PST 2008

Clay Smith wrote:
> Useful links for finding stuff about D on reddit and upmoding it.
> http://www.reddit.com/user/WalterBright/ - Support Walter and his 
> articles on reddit
> http://www.reddit.com/r/d_language/ - D language subreddit
> http://www.reddit.com/r/D_programming/ - D programming subreddit
> It took me a little bit to figure out how to fully utilize reddit for D.
> Don't forget to click the 'next' button at the bottom of the page.
> Any other hints / tips / tricks for posting / upmodding D information on 
> reddit? Have you posted / upmodded any articles for D on reddit?
> Find some cool D article, post it on reddit, and then post about it here!
> Here is mine: 
> http://www.reddit.com/r/d_language/comments/7bvz7/tango_conference_2008_team0xf_gamedev_talk_video/ 

I hope Keyer and h3r3tic won't mind me spamming their links on gamedev 
for them.


http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=514093 <-- 
This one has to be approved by gamedev staff, but if it does then it 
will show deadlock as an "Image of the day" on gamedev.

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