D2 toStringz Return Type
Andrei Alexandrescu
SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Fri Nov 7 12:36:11 PST 2008
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> "Andrei Alexandrescu" wrote
>> Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
>>> "Andrei Alexandrescu" wrote
>>>> Mike Parker wrote:
>>>>> I'm curious as to why toStringz in D2 returns const(char)* instead of
>>>>> just a plain char*. Considering that the primary use case foe the
>>>>> function is interfacing with C code, it seems rather pointless to
>>>>> return a const(char)*.
>>>> We want to leave the opportunity open to not duplicate the actual memory
>>>> underneath the string object. (Right now that opportunity is not
>>>> effected.)
>>> My recommendation -- have 2 functions. One which always copies (and
>>> returns char *), and one which does not.
>>> This at least leaves a safe alternative for people who have headers that
>>> aren't properly constified, and don't want to go through the hassle of
>>> looking it up themselves. Also good for those C functions which actually
>>> require a mutable char *, since D2 strings are mostly invariant.
>> You can't quite do that because dynamic conditions establish whether it's
>> safe to avoid copying or not.
> I can see how you interpreted it this way.
> What I meant was one is the toStringz as it is today, which might copy and
> might leave it in-place. This can be used to call C functions that take a
> const char *. The other function will *always* copy, and will return a
> mutable char *. This is for when you don't care to look at the function
> yourself (assuming the author got it correct), or the case where the C
> function actually does mutate the argument.
> If the C function does actually require a mutable argument, you are forced
> to do an extra dup for no reason with today's toStringz.
> -Steve
I see. So:
const(char)* toStringzMayOrMayNotCopy(in char[]);
char* toStringzWillAlwaysCopy(in char[]);
Providing writable zero-terminated strings is a sure recipe for disaster
(see the debates around sprintf, strcpy etc.). I think the need for
such things is rare and at best avoided entirely by the standard
library. If you so wish, you can always use malloc by hand.
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