Improving unit tests
Sean Kelly
sean at
Sat Nov 8 11:58:09 PST 2008
Christopher Wright wrote:
> Janderson wrote:
>> 3) If you chose "more extensible unit tests" what language features
>> would be needed to make this happen.
> 1. Named unittests.
> There are a few reasons for this:
> - Your code should be self-documenting. unittest {} tells you nothing.
> - If a test fails, you want to know which test it is. A backtrace
> library helps more than a unittest name, I admit, but both are useful.
> - Naming for unittests integrates better with continuous integration
> servers like CruiseControl and CCNET -- these expect unittests to have
> fully qualified names.
I agree that this would be nice. Perhaps unittest("name") for the syntax?
> 2. A pluggable unittest runner.
> With this, any functionality that unittests lack can be provided. The
> unittest runner has to be in the runtime, of course.
There's one in druntime.
> 3. Each test should be its own function.
> Currently, all unittest blocks in any module are conglomerated into one
> function, ModuleInfo.unitTest. ModuleInfo should have a list of
> name/function pairs. This is required for named unittests, and for
> reporting errors on a per-test basis.
This would be nice as well. Recovering from unit tests currently skips
all tests in a module after the test that failed, which isn't terribly
> 4. The unittest runner must be able to have runtime arguments.
> At work, we use test-driven development. We have about 5700 classes,
> half of which are test classes. That's 7,200 tests currently. They take
> ten minutes to run. You can't do TDD with ten minute lag for running tests.
> Command line arguments are the easiest way of changing options at
> runtime. The alternatives are some sort of interactive session with
> stdio, an options file, or recompiling (which isn't runtime). None of
> these is particularly good.
Hm... perhaps if argc/argv were passed to the unit test runner from the
runtime? This would leave the choice of switches up to the user.
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