How much time will D1 be around?
Bill Baxter
wbaxter at
Wed Nov 12 11:50:41 PST 2008
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 4:36 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu
<SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Stewart Gordon <smjg_1998 at>
>> wrote:
>>> "Christopher Wright" <dhasenan at> wrote in message
>>> news:gfeho4$2iuo$1 at
>>> <snip>
>>>> How about voting for bugs? That would be fair, and it would make sure
>>>> that
>>>> the bugs that hurt more people get fixed faster.
>>> Bugzilla has a voting system, in which you basically vote for the n
>>> issues
>>> that you most want fixed, where n is a per-product configuration
>>> parameter.
>>> But it doesn't seem to be enabled on our Bugzilla.
>>> Walter - if Brad enables this feature, do you promise you'll take notice
>>> of
>>> it in the process of deciding what to fix next?
>> My suspicion is that would turn out to be about as useful as that "D
>> wishlist" eigenpoll thingy somebody set up. As far as I can tell that
>> only reflects the opinions of the few people who have a lot of extra
>> time to bother with voting.
> However, bugs are a more structured space than wishes. I'd suggest Brad to
> enable the voting feature experimentally and with an understanding there's
> no underlying promise. I'd personally be curious to gather some insight into
> what bugs are the most annoying, and I'm sure Walter could use such
> information to good effect.
Another thing is that you can already cast a kind of vote by adding a
comment to the bug saying "ouch, this one is hurting". That causes
it to appear on the bugs newsgroup, which gives it some renewed
visibility. But maybe people don't realize they can do this. Or
don't think it matters. Having a "vote here" button may help in those
cases. I kinda doubt it, but I'd love to be wrong.
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