Votin in Bugzilla (was: How much time will D1 be around?)

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 12 15:34:50 PST 2008

"Brad Roberts" <braddr at puremagic.com> wrote in message 
news:mailman.385.1226514259.3087.digitalmars-d at puremagic.com...
> My primary issue with bugzilla's voting system is that it's blind:
> there's no recording of why it's important.  That said, I won't block
> it's use if Walter and enough of the community think it's the right
> thing to do.

There was a feature request for Bugzilla to enable comments to be attached 
to votes
but it seems to have been rejected.

But at least Bugzilla enables users to post comments on bugs/RFEs, and this 
is certainly an improvement over the eigenpoll.  With votes enabled, we 
would have the combination of votes and comments to aid in decision-making.


My e-mail address is valid but not my primary mailbox.  Please keep replies 
on the 'group where everybody may benefit. 

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