exe file size

John Reimer terminal.node at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 21:38:45 PST 2008

Hello huurd,

> I use The -O -release -inline , the size si 20M, there is no -g.

Ouch. :(   I know dwt + dwtx pulls in a lot of modules.  I'm afraid this 
has been a niggling bother to me too, since I help port dwt, but I know there 
is no simple solution for this.

BTW, is this on Linux or windows?  If you are using linux, try using the 
"strip" command on the binary.  It should make it much smaller.

If not, well... the emphasis on dwt development right now is stability, completion 
(as in porting), and close tracking of the SWT version.  Finding ways to 
make it smaller may be in the future (I've suggested such in prior posts), 
but doing so will be inextricably tied to the compiler/linker/language technology 
and what these are able to do to reduce the footprint.  If these don't change 
somehow, there's little that can be done, other than make the oh-so annoying 
statement "Well, hey! These days, memory is so cheap and computers are so 
powerful that it really doesn't matter anymore" ;-).  Somehow, that isn't 
very convincing, I know :-) 

Upx is the best option for now, I guess. 800 kb isn't all that bad, actually.


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