Treating the abusive unsigned syndrome

Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Wed Nov 26 10:45:30 PST 2008

Denis Koroskin wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Nov 2008 18:24:17 +0300, Andrei Alexandrescu 
> <SeeWebsiteForEmail at> wrote:
>> Also consider:
>> auto delta = a1.length - a2.length;
>> What should the type of delta be? Well, it depends. In my scheme that 
>> wouldn't even compile, which I think is a good thing; you must decide 
>> whether prior information makes it an unsigned or a signed integral.
> Sure, it shouldn't compile. But explicit casting to either type won't 
> help. Let's say you expect that a1.length > a2.length and thus expect a 
> strictly positive result. Putting an explicit cast will not detect (but 
> suppress) an error and give you an erroneous result silently.

But "silently" and "putting a cast" don't go together. It's the cast 
that makes the erroneous result non-silent.

Besides, you don't need to cast. You can always use a function that does 
the requisite checks. std.conv will have some of those, should any 
change in the rules make it necessary.

By this I'm essentially replying Don's message in the bugs newsgroup: 
nobody puts a gun to your head to cast.

> Putting an assert(a1.length > a2.length) might help, but the check will 
> be unavailable unless code is compiled with asserts enabled.

Put an enforce(a1.length > a2.length) then.

> A better solution would be to write code as follows:
> auto delta = unsigned(a1.length - a2.length); // returns an unsigned 
> value, throws on overflow (i.e., "2 - 4")
> auto delta = signed(a1.length - a2.length); // returns result as a 
> signed value. Throws on overflow (i.e., "int.min - 1")
> auto delta = a1.length - a2.length; // won't compile

Amazingly this solution was discussed with these exact names! The signed 
and unsigned functions can be implemented as libraries, but 
unfortunately (or fortunately I guess) that means the bits32 and bits64 
are available to all code.

One fear of mine is the reaction of throwing of hands in the air "how 
many integral types are enough???". However, if we're to judge by the 
addition of long long and a slew of typedefs to C99 and C++0x, the 
answer is "plenty". I'd be interested in gaging how people feel about 
adding two (bits64, bits32) or even four (bits64, bits32, bits16, and 
bits8) types as basic types. They'd be bitbags with undecided sign ready 
to be converted to their counterparts of decided sign.

> // this one is also handy:
> auto newLength = checked(a1.length - 1); // preserves type of a1.length, 
> be it int or uint, throws on overflow

This could be rather tricky. How can overflow be checked? By inspecting 
the status bits in the processor only; at the language/typesystem level 
there's little to do.

> I have previously shown an implementation of unsigned/signed:
> import std.stdio;
> int signed(lazy int dg)
> {
>     auto result = dg();
>     asm {
>        jo overflow;
>     }
>     return result;
>     overflow:
>     throw new Exception("Integer overflow occured");
> }
> int main()
> {
>    int t = int.max;
>    try
>    {
>        int s = signed(t + 1);
>        writefln("Result is %d", s);
>    }
>    catch(Exception e)
>    {
>        writefln("Whoops! %s", e.toString());
>    }
>    return 0;
> }

Ah, there we go! Thanks for pasting this code.

> But Andrei has correctly pointed out that it has a problem - it may 
> throw without a reason:
> int i = int.max + 1; // sets an overflow flag
> auto result = expectSigned(1); // raises an exception
> Overflow flag may also be cleared in a complex expression:
> auto result = expectUnsigned(1 + (uint.max + 1)); // first add will 
> overflow and second one clears the flag -> no exception as a result
> A possible solution is to make the compiler aware of this construct and 
> disallow passing none (case 2) or more that one operation (case 1) to 
> the method.

Can't you clear the overflow flag prior to invoking the operation?

I'll also mention that making it a delegate reduces appeal quite a bit; 
expressions under the check tend to be simple which makes the relative 
overhead huge.


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