
bearophile bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sun Oct 5 04:45:39 PDT 2008

Having two ways to do the same thing is generally very bad. So what you suggest is acceptable only as a *replacement* for the old syntax.

The ! is useful, because for me it means "instantiate real code from this template!", it's a command to do an action. While the dot syntax looks too much like method invocation and the like.

So I too add my -1 vote to the dot syntax. I think we are about at -20 now, I presume you have had the (negative) answer from the community.

And next time I suggest you to ask people first. In the design of a language I've seen it's very easy to add personal quirks.

Regarding the font to use, I suggest you Inconsolata, it's free and it's the best looking I have seen so far:


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