Top 5

nazo lovesyao at
Wed Oct 8 16:18:41 PDT 2008

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Ok, per Aarti's suggestion: without speaking officially for Walter, let 
> me ask this - what do you think are the top issues you'd like to see 
> fixed in D?
> Andrei

I'm doing meta programming but I have some problems. so please fix it.

1. there is no tuple literal. please please add tuple literal!
2. "int+long" is supported but "foo(int, long)" is not supported
3. there is no template literal
4. short syntax for nested function/class templates is needed.

   void foo(T)(T t)(){

5. recursive function template can't deduce return type

   auto foo()(int i){
     if(i) return foo(i-1);
     return i;

* can't instantiate nested template of same name

* variable template short syntax

* there is no tuple properties

   writefln(TypeTuple!(int, long).init);

* can't return sarray and tuple
* can't return self type

   ??? foo(){return &foo;}

* C++ class compatibility
* stack trace on linux
* nested tuple

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