backporting features to D1

bobef bobef at
Sat Oct 11 10:05:27 PDT 2008

Bill Baxter Wrote:

> I see three potential categories of D users:
> 1) bleeding edgers who want the latest and greatest -- don't care if
> it breaks everything
> 2) want the latest stuff  -- but don't want it to break my code
> 3) want only bug fixes -- also don't want it to break my code

4) bleeding edgers who want to use Tango - sorry you lose
5) people who actually like D1 and don't want it to become new language - losers
2) and 3) actually lose too because D2 will break their code very hard
and category 3) will be forced to break their code because once D2 is declared stable D1 will probably be declared deprecated

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