[OT] Finding longest documents

Christopher Wright dhasenan at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 16:33:02 PDT 2008

bearophile wrote:
> Christopher Wright:
>> http://dsource.org/projects/tango/browser/trunk/tango/util/container/more/Heap.d?rev=3959
> Very nice, thank you. Few quick comments (no deep comments, I haven't used it nor read it carefully):
> In this lines:
> assert (other.pop is 4);
> I think it's better to use
> assert(other.pop == 4);

Any particular reason?

> This lines show that a bulk addition method may be useful, that accepts any lazy/eagar iterable:
> MaxHeap!(uint) h;
> h ~= 1;
> h ~= 3;
> h ~= 2;
> h ~= 4;

Agreed. The implementation that I submitted had a push method that took 
an array. If I had given it more thought, I would've accepted any Tango 
container, as well, and maybe have a vararg version. (Except, ugh, the 
new containers are all structs. That means writing a template method for 
the task rather than using an interface.)

> The following aliases can be moved just below their respective methods, with a /// ditto before them:
> alias pop       remove;
> alias push      opCatAssign;

That was changed after I submitted the code.

> This style of comments:
> /** Inserts all elements in the given array into the heap. */
> Can sometimes be replaced by:
> /// Inserts all elements in the given array into the heap.

And then it takes slightly more work to change it into a multiline comment.

> The class ddoc misses the explanation for the Min template argument:
> struct Heap(T, bool Min) {

The version I submitted didn't have the Min template argument; it had a 
virtual comparison method instead. That method was documented. The added 
argument was not documented.

> Some lines of comments are too much long, they may be broken at 80-95 chars long.

Dunno how that slipped by me.

> An optional 'key' callable can be added; it can be used as sorting key mapper (Swartz-style). If not specified it can be "null" that means the current behaviour.

I actually need this behavior.

The version I submitted had a virtual comparison method, so that would 
have been reasonably simple to implement:

class ComparatorHeap (T, alias comparator) : Heap!(T)
    override int comp (T left, T right) {
       return comparator (left, right);

class HeapMap (TKey, TValue) : Heap!(KeyValuePair!(TKey, TValue))
    // add methods for inserting a key and a value without having to
    // construct a KeyValuePair

As it stands, you'd need to use composition and forward a lot of methods 
to an internal struct -- that's just hideous.

Tango has been on a struct rampage. It's part of their campaign against 
extensibility. I guess making everything private or final just wasn't 

I jest. But it is a serious concern of mine. If I see anything labeled 
"package" rather than "protected", my liver will burst. At the very 
least, I'll write a script to change anything private to protected, and 
anything protected or package to public.

> Few other handy methods may be added:
> A merge() (~ and ~=) method can be added, maybe.
> heapreplace(heap, item) (pop and return the smallest item from the heap, and also push the new item. The heap size doesn't change)
> heapify(iterable)
> nlargest(n, iterable) 
> nsmallest(n, iterable) 
> The following is not a critic, just a note, I think programs with such low code density are harder to read to me, they seem like fresh snow:
> I'd write that as this, allowing me to have more code on the screen:

I use a large monitor. Whitespace makes things more readable for me. 
Though the giant tabs are annoying; I use a tabstop of four. Still, this 
is only a display issue.

> In the future FibonacciHeap too may be useful to be added to the Std libraries.
> Bye,
> bearophile

Thanks for pointing out those issues. I'll correct those I can, but even 
after that, the Tango heap will not suffice for my needs.

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