foo!(bar) ==> foo{bar} ==> foo[bar] (just Brackets)

ore-sama spam at here.lot
Wed Oct 15 02:14:19 PDT 2008

Bruno Medeiros Wrote:

> Hum, what about brackets without any prefix character at all?
>    Vector[int, 2] foo;
>    List[Vector[int, 2]] bar;
>    int[3] a = [1, 2, 3]; // array literal here
>    int[int] map;
>    alias DenseMatrix[num] PulType;
>    alias SparseRowsMatrix[num, HashSparseVector] PuuType;
>    alias BiMap[uint, Tuple[uint, uint], BiMapOptions.lhDense] DicType;
>    int var = a[2]; // array indexing here
I had similar idea. I wondered, will it be nice to allow intermixing of template parameters with function parameters...

It obviously conflicts with array literals :)

//Range overlap(Range)(Range r1, Range r2);
Range overlap([Range], Range r1, Range r2);

//template reduce(F...)
template reduce([F...])
int[] arr = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];
// Sum all elements
//auto sum = reduce!("a + b")(0, arr);
auto sum = reduce(["a + b"], 0, arr);
auto sum = reduce(0, arr, ["a + b"]);
// Compute the maximum of all elements
//auto largest = reduce!(max)(arr[0], arr[1 .. $]);
auto largest = reduce([max], arr[0], arr[1 .. $]);
double[] a = [ 3.0, 4, 7, 11, 3, 2, 5 ];
// Compute minimum and maximum in one pass
//auto r = reduce!(min, max)(double.max, -double.max, a);
auto r = reduce([min], [max], double.max, -double.max, a);

//size_t count(alias pred = "a == b", Range, E)(Range r, E value);
size_t count([alias pred = "a == b"], [Range] r, [E] value); //haa?

Range eliminate(alias pred = "a == b",
                SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.semistable,
                Range, Value)(Range r, Value v)
    alias Iterator!(Range) It;
    bool comp(typeof(*It) a) { return !binaryFun!(pred)(a, v); }
    static void assignIterB(It a, It b) { *a = *b; }
    return range(begin(r), 
                    ss, assignIterB, Range)(r));

Range eliminate([alias pred = "a == b"],
                [SwapStrategy ss = SwapStrategy.semistable],
                [Range] r, [Value] v)
    alias Iterator([Range]) It;
    bool comp(typeof(*It) a) { return !binaryFun([pred], a, v); }
    static void assignIterB(It a, It b) { *a = *b; }
    return range(begin(r), 
                    [ss], [assignIterB], r));

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