Top 5

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Wed Oct 15 05:32:10 PDT 2008

Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> To fix it, what I think I'd like is a type modifier to make this ok.
> class A{
>   SomeObject a;
>   unmanaged SomeObject b; // my addon: tell the GC to not manage this object.
>   ~this(){
> 	a.whatever();  // if the object is garbage collected, this might crash,
> 			// since the garbage collector might have already
> 			// deleted a. Thus, I think it should be a compiler
> 			// error to access it this way.
> 			// UNLESS, SomeObject is guaranteed to be
> 			// deleted deterministically, such as if it is a
> 			// scope class (or if it is unmanaged as well.)
> 	b.whatever(); // this, however, is safe in my proposed addition, since
> 			// b is marked unmanaged, meaning the garbage collector
> 			// leaves it alone.
>   }
> }

Err, you can do this yourself by allocating b outside of the GC heap. 
Might not be as safe as a solution integrated with the type system, but 
it's possible.

Bruno Medeiros - Software Developer, MSc. in CS/E graduate

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