Getting module of a class

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Fri Oct 17 05:31:29 PDT 2008

I find myself sometimes wanting to get an alias to the module
namespace that a given type came from.

The reason is this:  these days it's en vogue to make classes contain
as few functions as necessary, and to write everything else as
non-member functions.  The problem is that when you are using
BigCoreDataStructure a lot in your program it's natural to import that
from other modules and in the end you can lose sight of which module
BigCoreDataStructure came from (it could be aliased to something else
like "BCDS" in your current namespace for instance.)

But now you have a problem because you have access to BCDS but you
also want to get at his auxillary non-member functions.    But those
didn't get imported because they would gum up the namespace.

I'm thinking it would be nice if you could do something like
ModuleOf(BCDS).ANonMemberFuncton to get at one of those non-member
functions in BCDS's module whatever that may be.

I think types do have the information of which module they originated
in, so technically it should be possible.  Has anyone written a
routine that can do this?


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