Escape analysis
Walter Bright
newshound1 at
Tue Oct 28 14:39:11 PDT 2008
Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> "Walter Bright" wrote
>> First off, the mangled names will be different, so it won't link until you
>> recompile. This is critical because the caller's code depends on the
>> scope/noscope characteristic.
> This 'feature' is basically useless ;) D has no shared libraries, so I
> don't think anyone generally keeps their stale object files around and tries
> to link with them instead of trying to recompile the sources. You are
> asking for trouble otherwise.
I disagree. The whole idea behind separate compilation and using
makefiles is to recompile only what is necessary. Encoding the function
specification into its identifier is a tried and true way of detecting
mistakes in that.
>> Secondly, passing a scoped reference to a noscope parameter should be a
>> compile time error.
> OK, so when does a closure happen? I thought the point of this was to
> specify when a closure was necessary...
> compiler sees foo(noscope int *x)
> I try to pass in an address to a local variable. Compiler says, hm... I
> need a closure to convert my scope variable into a noscope.
Either the compiler issues an error, or it allocates the scoped variable
on the heap. I prefer the former behavior.
> But the compiler's lack of knowledge/proof about the escape intricacies of a
> function will cause either a) unnecessary closure allocation, or b)
> impossible specifications. i.e. I want to specify that either a scope or
> noscope variable can be passed in, and the variable might escape depending
> on what you pass in for other arguments, how do I do that?
You make it noscope. Remember that scope is an optimization.
>>> The most common case I think which will cause unnecessary allocations, is
>>> a very common case. A class setter:
>>> class X
>>> {
>>> private int *v_;
>>> int *v(int *newV) {return v_ = newV;}
>>> int *v() { return v_;}
>>> }
>>> Clearly, newV escapes into the class instance,
>> Then it's noscope.
> So then to call X.v, the function must allocate a closure? How does this
> improve the current situation where closures are allocated by default?
If it's escaping, you MUST allocate it in a way that doesn't disappear
when the escape happens.
>> We take the conservative approach, and regard "might escape" and "don't
>> know if it escapes" as "treat as if it does escape".
> Also untenable. We have the same situation today. You will have achieved
> nothing with this syntax except making people write scope or noscope
> everywhere to satisfy incomplete compiler rules.
The improvement with the 'scope' keyword is it allows the compiler to
assume that the reference does not escape.
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