D parser in tango or phobos
Sascha Katzner
sorry.no at spam.invalid
Sun Sep 7 03:52:29 PDT 2008
Alexander Panek wrote:
> I completely agree. Aside from the sheer prestige of having a D compiler
> written in D, I think the language and especially the compiler &
> toolchain quality itself would benefit from Walter excessively using his
> own language. After all, he has to walk around the same traps everybody
> else does when using D/DMD. I also think D should provide a whole
> toolchain written in D1, namely frontend, backend, testing,
> documentation and building (we have the last one already with DSSS,
> fortunately). Another benefit of this would include the possibility to
> actually use the D frontend for third party tools, since it's written in
> D. Of course, we have an open source frontend already, but it's written
> in C and poorly documented - no offense intended -, thus actually not
> really usable unless you spend quite some time digging through the
> source and writing D wrappers for it.
> Frankly said, I would have thought of D1 written in D1 as the next step
> in language development, instead of a "forked" experimental D2
> compiler. But that's just me.
After that we could also finally get rid of the C runtime library on
this way and reduce the overall size of the compiled applications. These
are two further important points - at least in my opinion.
In VC I'd love the fact that it is possible to write applications that
are only a few kb small and also to compile them without including the C
Runtime library at all. It would be great if that was also possible in D.
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