UNA 1.1 Released - "Live" Syntax Checking for D
DiscipleRayne at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 12:36:40 PDT 2008
John A. De Goes Wrote:
> Jacob Carlborg Wrote:
> > I have to agree with Rayne. I've tried UNA 1.1 on osx and the only thing
> > that worked was compiling and showing errors when it compiled. I don't
> > know if it was because it failed to download CTAG but almost nothing
> > worked. No "Live" Syntax Checking for D,
> To get live syntax checking, you need to change the default compile tool (or one of your own creation) to work "On Change", and the Tool Output to, "Highlight Errors/Warnings ONLY".
> > no syntax highlighting,
> Now UNA has the best D syntax highlighting there is. It recognizes all literals and variables in strings, among other things. What was the extension of the file you were editing? Currently we use 'd' to identify D source code files.
> > no code/autocompletion. And when I wanted to change the file encoding to
> > UTF-8 (I assume it has support for it) I couldn't because the "pop up
> > menu" was to tall to fit on the screen, it didn't shrink and added
> > scrolls arrows as it should on osx.
> Sounds like a problem with Swing. What's your default resolution?
> > BTW add default configurations for GDC and DSSS also.
> Thanks, I'll add it to the todo for the next micro release.
> Regards,
> John
No offense this program has very good potential, just tone it down a bit man, your so focused on features your ruining this things user-friendlyness, I mean I can't even figure out where the output of the compiled program is, nor can I figure out how to change where it goes, I mean I may just be an idiot but I've never had this many problems with an IDE before.
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