UNA 1.1 Released - "Live" Syntax Checking for D

Rayne DiscipleRayne at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 23:21:55 PDT 2008

Bill Baxter Wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 2:06 PM, Rayne <DiscipleRayne at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Jussi Jumppanen Wrote:
> >
> >> Rayne Wrote:
> >>
> >> > Unless your editor is the new inovation or some shit
> >>
> >> It costs absolutely nothing to see for your self:
> >>
> >>   http://www.zeusedit.com/z300/ze32v396q.zip
> >>
> >> Cheers Jussi
> > I tried it, I don't like teasers.
> I've never tried Zeus because I'm perfectly happy with Emacs.  But if
> you do programming all day every day for a living, $69 for something
> makes your job even slightly easier is worth it.  Especially if that
> $69 buys you some influence in getting features you need implemented
> or bugs fixed.
> Unless you're a student.  Then I'm totally with you.  You probably
> don't have $69 to burn.
> There's a bug (or rather a C-specific assumption) in Emacs CC-mode
> that causes trouble for indenting static if's in D.  I can't get the
> fix prioritized because I'm not a customer of the person who
> implemented it, I'm just another lowly free software user.  And he
> doesn't care about D.   So that means I had to figure out how the guts
> of CC-mode work myself, spending way more than $69 worth of my time to
> try to fix it.  I have a fix now that works fine if you edit CC-mode
> sources, but the maintainer said it wasn't general enough a fix so he
> didn't want to use it.  That's fine, but I don't have time to figure
> out the CC-mode guts well enough to turn it into a general fix.
> --bb

I am a student, And No I don't have the cash to burn, but thats not even the point I really don't see what makes it worth the cash.

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