Pure functions in D (OT)
Ary Borenszweig
ary at esperanto.org.ar
Tue Sep 23 13:30:58 PDT 2008
Paul D. Anderson wrote:
> BCS Wrote:
>> I wonder if any language have the full tensor of pronouns?
>> 1st/2nd/3rd person X singular/plural X male/female/mixed/neutral
>> If you don't omit any as impossible that would be 24 words. That wold be
>> a mouth full, including duplicates (him/her vs. he/she, we vs. us) I count
>> 9 in English (add on me, you and them).
> FWIW, your list isn't long enough -- Maori (along with most other Polynesian languages) has a dual case as well -- singular/dual/plural. The language also distinguishes between the inclusive and exclusive use of "we" -- including or excluding the person being spoken to. "We're going to the baseball game" (And you're not!) vs. "We should get together sometime." (You and I should get together.)
> You also overlooked the reflexive pronouns -- myself, ourselves, itself, themselves, etc. English can be a little ragged in that area, again with regard to gender. If a person of indeterminate gender should take some reflexive action does he/she do it himself? herself? itself? themself? -- Even the otherwise servicable "they" doesn't work since it is invariable plural, "themselves", when used reflexively.
> And interrogatives are sometimes considered pronouns -- who/whom, etc. Do even the artificial languages (Esperanto, LogLan, etc.) fill all these slots??
I can't speak for LogLan, but Esperanto is very simplified in this
sense: mi (I), vi (you, both singular and plural), sxi (she), li (he),
gxi (it), ni (we), ili (they). And reflexive pronouns use those same
words, although you can say "mi mem" (I myself, sort of...).
I sometimes miss a distinction between the signular and plural "you" in
it (in English I've noticed many people say "you guys" when they want to
say "not the singular you!"). So it doesn't fill all those slots, but
many times you don't need to be that specific. Anyway, Esperanto is
expressive in other ways...
I'd also like to agree with BCS: you can learn anything in this newsgroup!
> Paul
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