can we get a _d_raise hook?
Sean Kelly
sean at
Thu Sep 25 11:18:34 PDT 2008
== Quote from Brian Palmer (d at's article
> I wrote a simple D 2.0 library using the backtrace functions (
pages/online/pages/man3/backtrace.3.html) and std.demangle to return an array of structs
representing a stack trace.
> However it's of limited use right now for debugging exceptions since I can only use it with exceptions
that I define myself. Walter, can we get a hook into _d_raise so that we can execute an arbitrary function
every time an exception is raised? I'm thinking along the lines of the GNU C hooks for malloc
> What do others think about this? I imagine there would be a tiny performance hit even if no hook is
defined, since _d_raise will have to check for the hook on each raise. It's in the exception codepath,
though, so the performance hit doesn't seem like an issue to me. The other issue is what happens if the
hook itself raises an exception -- seems like aborting the process is the only real solution.
I feel like a broken record sometimes for saying so, but "this feature is already in Tango."
More constructively, if we end up with a common runtime then it will be available in
Phobos as well.
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