Pure functions in D
ao at pathlink.com
Sun Sep 28 14:04:03 PDT 2008
Reply to Jason,
> You're missing the subtleties in what Walter said:
> "If memory allocation failure is a non-recoverable exception,
> then pure functions can allocate memory."
> That means that if an out of memory exception occurs, the pure
> function (possibly even the whole program) can not catch the out of
> memory exception. Either a pure function will operate normally and
> predictably, or it has a non-recoverable error. This has to be
> handled differently than recoverable errors/exceptions which are
> predictable/repeatable.
Ditto. To argue the point by taking it to the ridiculous: *Any* function
can fail for any number of reasons that aren't related the to arguments;
stack overflows, un-handled external signals (SIGKILL), loss of power to
the the CPU, arbitrary hardware failure. The line has to be drawn somewhere,
the question is only where.
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