Objective-D, reflective programming, dynamic typing

grauzone none at example.net
Fri Apr 3 09:38:28 PDT 2009

> But my point was that variadic templates can be ideal wrappers for the 
> non-templated variadics, which can be virtual. It's the best of both 
> worlds, you get no bloating and comfortable calling syntax too.

The problem is: you can't go back. Here I use runtime as synonym for 
passing pointers/TypeInfo and compiletime for nesting templates:

compiletime -> runtime: simple
compiletime -> compiletime: very simple
runtime -> runtime: simple
runtime -> compiletime: oops

It also generates bloat by requiring a compiletime -> runtime part. Why 
do this conversion, if you want to be in runtime anway?

If you want to do "very dynamic" stuff (whatever that is), applying some 
trivial fixes to variadic functions seems to be the better way to go.

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