Objective-D, reflective programming, dynamic typing

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.com
Sat Apr 4 20:39:05 PDT 2009

On 2009-04-03 08:43:48 -0400, Eljay <eljay at adobe.com> said:

> Hi Michel,
> Thanks for the tip on D-style variadic.  I'll give those a spin.
> And you are spot on with what I want to be able to do.  Objective-C, 
> with C replaced by D.  (Hmmm, I think #1 slipped in from my Borland 
> CScript days.)

I'm not exactly sure of what you're trying to do, but perhaps, if 
you're on a Mac, you'd be interested in trying the D/Objective-C bridge 
I've made. By binding D member functions to Objective-C methods, it 
becomes possible to call the function by knowing its Objective-C name 
and argument types using objc.msg.send. Type safety is minimal at the 
moment, but that could be changed by using Objective-C's reflection's 


 . . .

And if compatibility with existing Objective-C code is not desired, it 
should be possible to reuse some parts of the bridge binding system, 
replicate the Objective-C runtime method dispatch and get a pretty 
decent speed out of it (2x the time of a standard virtual call would be 
a realistic goal according to my Objective-C benchmarks).

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.com

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