Std Phobos 2 and logging library?

Zz Zz at
Sat Apr 11 10:15:24 PDT 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Frank Benoit wrote:
> > Andrei Alexandrescu schrieb:
> >> Zz wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Are there any plans for a logging library in Std Phobos 2.0?
> >>>
> >>> Zz
> >> I wanted to add logging support for a while now but am undecided about
> >> the API to use. Log4J is quite popular but quite complicated. There are
> >> a number of simpler APIs out there but I couldn't figure out which is
> >> the best.
> >>
> >> If anyone has ideas and/or code to contribute, that would be great.
> >>
> >>
> >> Andrei
> > 
> > Why not start with the one from tango?
> Because it's not my code and every discussion on licensing ends up 
> confused. What we can do in Phobos is following e.g. the Log4J API, 
> which as far as I understand Tango implements or at least draws 
> inspiration from. But then by browsing this group a while ago I figured 
> that Tango added a Trace module because some people deemed the logging 
> API too complicated.
> > Why has everything to be
> > different?
> Nobody said it has to be different.
> > If it really is not important, why do you have to make it
> > different than tango? Every code that uses tango and phobos, or wants to
> > support both has to reimplemnent an intermediate abstraction layer.
> Again, I don't *have* to make it different, but I can't *copy* it 
> either. There are two other things to consider: (a) Phobos' logging can 
> take advantage of D2 features; (b) Phobos' logging should be well 
> integrated with the rest of itself, e.g. it may be odd to have one way 
> to format things in stdio and an entirely different way in the log, or 
> to have the logging infrastructure incompatible with the stream 
> infrastructure.
> That all being said, I don't see a lot of point in making Phobos' 
> logging 100% identical with Tango's. Phobos2 and Tango2 will be usable 
> together, so there's no point in the duplication - if you want Tango's 
> logging mechanism, you just use it. So there will be no point in 
> "supporting both" because both can coexist.
> Andrei

It would be good to have one that makes use of D2's features have you looked at "simple-log", I'm not a java programmer but I do know some people who seem to like it more than Log4J.
here is the link

Anyway whatever the API looks like one would be welcome.


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