Module system of D2: to be fixed still

grauzone none at
Wed Apr 22 09:58:43 PDT 2009

Ah, the monthly bearophile modules-must-be-fixed thread. (It was only 
three times?)

Here are my ideas/concerns:
- the current import semantics should be redone such that "import 
a.b.c.d;" works like "import d = a.b.c.d;", and add a new syntax like 
"import a.b.c.d.*;" to get the current behavior
- allow to import all modules of a package at once ("import a.b.c.*;")
- allow a shorter syntax to import several modules from the same package 
("import a.b.{c, c2, c3};" or similar)
- fix the enum circular dependency bug PRETTY PLEASE
- the package attribute must be fixed, goddamn (see Koroskin's post) (oh 
hey, at least it should raise an error when using the override attribute)

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