Replacing new? (was re: -nogc)
Daniel Keep
daniel.keep.lists at
Thu Apr 23 21:47:49 PDT 2009
Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Daniel Keep wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> Joel C. Salomon wrote:
>>>> Just as (1) & (2) point to a way to remove the “magic” of built-in
>>>> arrays & hash-tables, so too might (5) & (6) point to a way of
>>>> replacing
>>>> the “new T(args)” syntax with something cleaner? Not that
>>>> “new!(T)(args)” looks nicer than the current syntax, but is it
>>>> perhaps a
>>>> better fit with the rest of the language?
>>> I agree. new sucks.
>>> Andrei
>> Oh I don't know, I rather like being able to allocate stuff on the heap.
>> I mean, if I didn't, the poor heap would probably be very lonely.
>> Poor, poor oft-maligned heap; all because he's a bit slower than stack
>> allocation and needs to be cleaned up after. He's trying to help, you
>> know!
>> Joking aside, what do you have in mind? Every solution I come up with
>> ends up being more or less the same (except with the 'new' keyword in a
>> different place) or worse.
> I don't know. Here's what we need:
> 1. Create one heap object of type T with creation arguments args.
> Currently: new T(args), except when T is a variable-sized array in which
> case syntax is new T[arg] (only one arg allowed). It is next to
> impossible to create one heap object of fixed-size array type.
> new T[](size);
This works just fine. I do think that (new T[n]) should be of type
T[n], not T[].
> 2. Create one array T[] of size s and initialize its elements from a
> range or generator function. Currently possible via a function that
> internally uses GC calls.
> 3. Create one array T[] of a size s and do not initialize content.
> Currently possible by calling GC functions. Probably not really needed
> because it's not that safe anyway.
> Andrei
Perhaps have these overloads for object.Array!(T)...
> new T[](size_t, T)
> new T[](size_t, S) if isInputRange!(S)
As for the uninitialised case, I don't think it's that important, either.
That said...
Assuming I'm allowed to make language changes, I'd be tempted to make
void a valid type for variables and arguments, and also make it double
as an expression. That is, void is a literal of type void with value
void, the ONLY valid value for voids. Then, you could have:
> auto a = new T[](n, void);
I've always been annoyed that you can't have void variables or
arguments; it always seems to complicate my beautiful generic code :'(
> ReturnTypeOf!(Fn) wrap(alias Fn)(ParameterTypeTuple!(Fn) args)
> {
> logf("> ",Fn.stringof,args);
> auto result = Fn(args);
> logf("< ",Fn.stringof,args);
> }
That works only so long as Fn doesn't return a void. And before anyone
suggests it, this trick:
> return Fn(args);
only works in trivial cases; it doesn't help if you need to be able to
DO something after the function call.
-- Daniel
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