Ternary Search Trees
Robert Fraser
fraserofthenight at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 10:05:59 PDT 2009
bearophile wrote:
> Robert Fraser:
>> I implemented a version of the TST you posted using Tango + D1... Here
>> are my results:
> Nice.
> Is your TST a map? (not a set).
Yes, it's a map (for my use case).
> Are you willing to show me your TST code? Your code is surely better than mine, and there can be few little things that can be tuned.
> And are you also willing to add it to Phobos? (I'll port it to Phobos1, it's probably easy to do)?
Attached, if you don't mind NO comments.
I really want to port this:
http://dasnar.sdf-eu.org/res/ctst-README.html ... The automatic
balancing might make it a lot better if elements are inserted in order.
It might be very easy by replacing the malloc/free calls with
gc_malloc/gc_free calls.
>> The big winner here, though, appears to be
>> D's built-in associative arrays. I thought they were supposed to be very
>> slow, but Tango's implementation, at least, looks pretty good (without
>> any re-hashing).
> Try comparing the performance of built-in D AAs with Psyco+Python dicts, or a good C++ STL hash set/hash map.
> D AAs are slow probably also because Phobos is statically compiled, they aren't a template.
I think Phobos1's AAs were pretty bad, but have you tried
Tango's/druntimes? They're quite optimized (they're implemented as a
hash with trees used for collisions).
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