My body is ugly [Re: Contextualizing keywords]

Denis Koroskin 2korden at
Mon Aug 3 05:15:54 PDT 2009

On Mon, 03 Aug 2009 15:53:03 +0400, Michiel Helvensteijn  
<m.helvensteijn.remove at> wrote:

>>>> I think this is much more elegant:
>>>> # int foo(int a) {
>>>> #    in {
>>>> #       assert(a>2);
>>>> #    }
>>>> #
>>>> #    return a-1;
>>>> # }
>>> I have to disagree. That suggests that 'in' is a scope within the body,
>>> which would have access to its local variables. Of course, it  
>>> shouldn't.
>> If you make 'in' clauses 'pure' (which they are, conceptually), it works
>> fine.
> But 'in' still needs read-access to the actual parameters and every  
> visible
> symbol in a scope shallower than that of the function.
>> I agree with Pete, I think that's a greatly superior syntax to what we
>> have now.
> Then I assume you still want to restrict the precondition to being the  
> first
> element in the body? Because putting it in there suggests that it may
> appear anywhere a statement can.

Why not?

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