Naming things in Phobos - std.algorithm and writefln

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Wed Aug 5 08:29:32 PDT 2009

Michel Fortin wrote:
> I'm tring to see how I can adapt the guidelines to accept this function 
> ("writefln") and I can't see any sensible rule I could add. Any idea?
> Alternatively, "writefln" could be an exception to the rules, but then 
> the exception would need a better rationale than "it shouldn't look like 
> Java".

Um, how about "writefln is AWESOME" for a reason? :)

But seriously, I use writefln ALL the time. I can't find the words to 
describe how much nicer it is than Tango's Stdout.formatln("blah") or 
Java's System.out.println("aargh").


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