Usability of latest DMD 1.x

Bill Baxter wbaxter at
Thu Aug 6 06:33:14 PDT 2009

On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 6:07 AM, Jarrett
Billingsley<jarrett.billingsley at> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Bill Baxter<wbaxter at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 9:52 PM, Nick Sabalausky<a at a.a> wrote:
>>> "Bill Baxter" <wbaxter at> wrote in message
>>> news:mailman.291.1249531861.14071.digitalmars-d at
>>>>I just tried to upgrade my DMD from 1.041 to 1.046 and things aren't
>>>> working so well.
>>>> I see Tango is still based off 1.041 too.  So have the releases since
>>>> then all had problems?  Or are these two facts just a coincidence?
>>> 1.43 works with Tango 0.99.8, but 1.44 introduced a breaking change that
>>> required a change in tango (which I've been told is in tango trunk). So
>>> 1.44+ requires Tango trunk, at least until 0.99.9.
>> Ok.  Thanks for the info.
>> I'm getting "Error: cannot assign to a function call" in several
>> places even though I'm not assigning to a function call.  My attempts
>> to create a cut down repro have failed so far.
> Sure it's not ?
> You might be passing the temp result of a function call to a function
> that takes a ref param.

Ok, thanks.  That does seem to be the one.
It was just well disguised by various operator overloads.
The actual line of code was
      avg += one_nth * v;

But * calls opMul
And the opAddAssign takes a ref so that it doesn't have to copy the
argument (which could be pretty big).

I guess I should just stick with an earlier version till we find out
if the change is permanent for D1 or not.


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