proposed syntax change

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Fri Aug 7 01:20:53 PDT 2009

Daniel Keep wrote:
> Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
>> Don wrote:
>>> The operator which is REALLY missing is exponentiation.
>> I've been really missing that one.
>> Which operators could be used for exponentiation? I've only ever seen
>> a**b and a^b used, but I think those are out of the question for D.
>> -Lars
> How about *^
> ^ isn't valid as a unary operator, thus a*^b cannot be mistaken for a*(^b)
> It's a bit of a cop-out combining the two, but should be unambiguous.

Yeah, not too bad. Would a^^b work?


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