
Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Wed Aug 12 10:12:41 PDT 2009

What's the best anybody's managed to get Notepad++ to syntax-highlight 
D?  (I'm on version 5.4.5, if that makes a difference.)

My userDefineLang.xml file is as given here
(note that I've fixed a few errors I've no idea how got there).

Notepad++ does a good job of syntax-highlighting PHP files, whose 
syntactic structure is more complex than that of D.  So clearly, 
Notepad++ is a powerful syntax-highlighter (or Scintilla is, whatever). 
  However, at the moment I can't even seem to get it up to C standard! 
(Can anybody find a full reference of the userDefineLang.xml format, for 
that matter?)

Maybe it's just a case in point of some comments here:

Anyway, attached is the result.  Can anybody do better (other than by 
telling it to treat D as C or some other language instead)?

Or maybe I should just go back to TextPad (which isn't perfect either) 
and put up with its not supporting Unicode....

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