More on semantics of opPow: return type

Lars T. Kyllingstad public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Dec 7 11:03:49 PST 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
> Don wrote:
>> As has been mentioned in previous posts, a ^^ b should be right 
>> associative and have a precedence between multiplication and unary 
>> operators. That much is clear.
>> Operations involving integers are far less obvious (and are actually 
>> where a major benefit of an operator can come in).
>> Using the normal promotion rules, 10^^2 is an integer. The range 
>> checking already present in D2 could be extended so that the compiler 
>> knows it'll even fit in a byte. This gets rid of one of the classic 
>> annoyances of C pow:  int x = pow(2, 10); doesn't compile without a cast.
>> But the difficult question is, what's the type of 10^^-2 ? Should it 
>> be an error? (since the result, 0.01, is not representable as an 
>> integer). Should it return zero? (just as 1/2 doesn't return 0.5). For 
>> an example of these semantics, see 
>> Or should it return a double?
>> Or should 10^^2 also be a double, but implicitly castable to byte 
>> because of the range checking rules?
>> I currently favour making it an error, so that the normal promotion 
>> rules apply. It seems reasonable to me to require a cast to floating 
>> point in there somewhere.
>> This is analagous to the similar case f ^^ 0.1; where f is known to be 
>> negative. This gives a complex result, creating a run-time error 
>> (returns a NaN). But, there's no standard error and no NaNs for 
>> integer underflow.
>> One could also make int ^^ uint defined (returning an int), but not 
>> int ^^ int. Again thanks to range checking, int ^^ uint ^^ uint would 
>> work, because although uint ^^ uint is an int, it's known to be 
>> positive, so would implicitly convert to int. But would making int ^^ 
>> int illegal, make it too much of an annoying special case?
>> I strongly suspect that x^^y, where x and y are integers, and the 
>> value of y is not known at compile time, is an extremely rare operation.
>> Also, should int^^uint generate some kind of overflow error? Although 
>> other arithmeic integer operators don't, it's fantastically easy to 
>> hit an overflow with x^^y. Unless x is 1, y must be tiny (< 64 to 
>> avoid overflowing a ulong).
> Nice analysis. IMHO this should lead us to reconsider the necessity of 
> "^^" in the first place. It seems to be adding too little real value 
> compared to the complexity of defining it.
> Andrei

It adds a lot of value to the ones that actually use it, even though you 
may not be one of them. Exponentiation is extremely common in numerics.

Here are some statistics for you: A Google code search (see below) for 
FORTRAN code using the power operator **, which until recently didn't 
have a D equivalent, yields roughly 56100 results.

A search for the FORTRAN equivalents of << yield 400 results for ILS() 
and 276 results for LSHIFT(). Yet, left shift apparently deserves a 
place in D.

(I've used, with the following search 
strings for **, ILS and LSHIFT, respectively:

     [0-9a-zA-Z)]\*\*[0-9a-zA-Z(] lang:fortran
     ils\([0-9a-zA-Z] lang:fortran
     lshift\([0-9a-zA-Z] lang:fortran

As statistics go, this is probably not a prime example, but it is at 
least an indication.)


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