More on semantics of opPow: return type
Lars T. Kyllingstad
public at kyllingen.NOSPAMnet
Mon Dec 7 13:48:42 PST 2009
KennyTM~ wrote:
> On Dec 8, 09 03:03, Lars T. Kyllingstad wrote:
>> Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
>>> Don wrote:
>>>> As has been mentioned in previous posts, a ^^ b should be right
>>>> associative and have a precedence between multiplication and unary
>>>> operators. That much is clear.
>>>> Operations involving integers are far less obvious (and are actually
>>>> where a major benefit of an operator can come in).
>>>> Using the normal promotion rules, 10^^2 is an integer. The range
>>>> checking already present in D2 could be extended so that the compiler
>>>> knows it'll even fit in a byte. This gets rid of one of the classic
>>>> annoyances of C pow: int x = pow(2, 10); doesn't compile without a
>>>> cast.
>>>> But the difficult question is, what's the type of 10^^-2 ? Should it
>>>> be an error? (since the result, 0.01, is not representable as an
>>>> integer). Should it return zero? (just as 1/2 doesn't return 0.5).
>>>> For an example of these semantics, see
>>>> Or should it return a double?
>>>> Or should 10^^2 also be a double, but implicitly castable to byte
>>>> because of the range checking rules?
>>>> I currently favour making it an error, so that the normal promotion
>>>> rules apply. It seems reasonable to me to require a cast to floating
>>>> point in there somewhere.
>>>> This is analagous to the similar case f ^^ 0.1; where f is known to
>>>> be negative. This gives a complex result, creating a run-time error
>>>> (returns a NaN). But, there's no standard error and no NaNs for
>>>> integer underflow.
>>>> One could also make int ^^ uint defined (returning an int), but not
>>>> int ^^ int. Again thanks to range checking, int ^^ uint ^^ uint would
>>>> work, because although uint ^^ uint is an int, it's known to be
>>>> positive, so would implicitly convert to int. But would making int ^^
>>>> int illegal, make it too much of an annoying special case?
>>>> I strongly suspect that x^^y, where x and y are integers, and the
>>>> value of y is not known at compile time, is an extremely rare
>>>> operation.
>>>> Also, should int^^uint generate some kind of overflow error? Although
>>>> other arithmeic integer operators don't, it's fantastically easy to
>>>> hit an overflow with x^^y. Unless x is 1, y must be tiny (< 64 to
>>>> avoid overflowing a ulong).
>>> Nice analysis. IMHO this should lead us to reconsider the necessity of
>>> "^^" in the first place. It seems to be adding too little real value
>>> compared to the complexity of defining it.
>>> Andrei
>> It adds a lot of value to the ones that actually use it, even though you
>> may not be one of them. Exponentiation is extremely common in numerics.
>> Here are some statistics for you: A Google code search (see below) for
>> FORTRAN code using the power operator **, which until recently didn't
>> have a D equivalent, yields roughly 56100 results.
>> A search for the FORTRAN equivalents of << yield 400 results for ILS()
>> and 276 results for LSHIFT(). Yet, left shift apparently deserves a
>> place in D.
>> (I've used, with the following search
>> strings for **, ILS and LSHIFT, respectively:
>> [0-9a-zA-Z)]\*\*[0-9a-zA-Z(] lang:fortran
>> ils\([0-9a-zA-Z] lang:fortran
>> lshift\([0-9a-zA-Z] lang:fortran
>> As statistics go, this is probably not a prime example, but it is at
>> least an indication.)
>> -Lars
> Fortran? I don't think that's D's target audience yet.
I searched for FORTRAN code because that's more or less equivalent to
searching for numerical code. And I think D's "target audience" is
anyone who needs a fast, close-to-the-metal programming language. This
definitely includes the scientific community. (There are several of the
regulars on this NG who use D for scientific work.)
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