D2 GUI Libs

Eldar Insafutdinov e.insafutdinov at gmail.com
Sun Dec 13 23:55:35 PST 2009

Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:

> Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:
> > Andrei Alexandrescu Wrote:
> > Thanks for cooperation. I don't want to sound like I've given the
> > right to ask for features, because I am working on a particular D
> > project. But at the same time, indeed, while working on this project
> > I found many things that I would like to be improved.
> [snip]
> Unfortunately we can't fix all of that stuff mostly because we wouldn't 
> know what path is best to take. But we can and should fix this:
> > class Test { void foo(); void foo() {} }
> and this:
> > 6) Various, various compiler bugs. I'm not joking here, I hit dmd
> > bugs every single day I work on qtd. It makes it very difficult to
> > cut down to sensible testcases, because of the size of the library. I
> > filed some bugs, I used all my votes in bugzilla, but neither of
> > those got any update within last 2 months. That's a pity. I am sure
> > many other people have similar experience.
> > 
> > The main one is probably forward references bug. That's why I have to
> > use patched version of dmd (done not by me). Work on it is still in
> > progress, and when the author of the patches finishes it and submits
> > them to the bugzilla, we would need apply them somehow, as otherwise
> > official dmd will not compile QtD.
> Absolutely.
> Thanks for letting us know of the challenges you're facing. I hope many 
> of them would be the start of discussions on how to improve things in D3.
> Andrei

So that means that annotations are pended until D3? I thought the work on @property will end up with proper annotations. Is it the same for your proposal with mixin(Derived)?

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