transporting qualifier from parameter to the return value

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at
Wed Dec 16 06:21:16 PST 2009

On 2009-12-16 08:54:03 -0500, "Denis Koroskin" <2korden at> said:

>> I just realized that 'inout' could have a real use even for functions  
>> with no return value. Consider this:
>> 	void doSomething(inout(Object)[] a, inout(Object)[] b) {
>> 		a[0] = b[0]; // works only when objects in both arrays have the same  
>> constness.
>> 	}
> Doesn't work.
> doSomething("hello", "world");

Well, of course it doesn't...

Here's what I meant:

	void doSomething(inout(MyStruct)*[] a, inout(MyStruct)*[] b) {
		a[0] = b[0]; // works only when structs in both arrays have the same 

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at

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