Short list with things to finish for D2

Jesse Phillips jessekphillips+D at
Wed Dec 16 11:36:30 PST 2009

KennyTM~ Wrote:

> On Dec 16, 09 07:21, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > However it does have this nice little gem:
> >
> > "__ keywords should indicate a proprietary language extension, not a basic part of the language."
> >
> > Which makes you wonder why D has __traits, __gshared... or are those not basic parts of the language? :)
> __gshared was deliberately named to discourage its use iirc.

Yes, which makes things even more inconsistent.

__ indicates proprietary language extension
__ we don't want you using this much (__gshared)
__ this way we aren't adding a keyword to the standard namespace (__traits)

At least those have been the reasons I've heard. This makes __ absolutely meaningless and good at making things ugly.

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