Local variable inside delegate literal
yebbliesnospam at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 01:30:49 PST 2009
bearophile Wrote:
> Daniel:
> > I'm writing some gui code, and am currently trying to make something equivalent to this:
> >
> > int delegate()[] funcs;
> > funcs.length = 3;
> >
> > foreach(i, ref f; funcs)
> > {
> > f = int() { return i; }
> > }
> >
> > foreach(f; funcs)
> > {
> > writeln(f());
> > }
> This is D2 code that actually compiles:
> import std.stdio: writeln;
> void main() {
> auto funcs = new int delegate()[3];
> foreach (i, ref f; funcs)
> f = { return cast(int)i; };
> foreach (f; funcs)
> writeln(f());
> }
> This is a good version in D2:
> import std.stdio: writeln;
> class Foo {
> int i;
> this(int i) { this.i = i; }
> int opCall() { return this.i; }
> }
> void main() {
> auto funcs = new Foo[3];
> foreach (i, ref f; funcs)
> f = new Foo(i);
> foreach (f; funcs)
> writeln(f());
> }
> Or even cheaper:
> import std.stdio: writeln;
> struct Foo {
> int i;
> this(int i) { this.i = i; }
> int opCall() { return this.i; }
> }
> void main() {
> auto funcs = new Foo[3];
> foreach (i, ref f; funcs)
> f = Foo(i);
> foreach (f; funcs)
> writeln(f());
> }
> Often the better code is not the most compact one, but the most explicit one.
> Bye,
> bearophile
I actually needed it to be a delegate to interact with the rest of my code, but I used the idea of making a copy of the index variable each loop iteration, using a generating function returning a closure.
Thanks for your help.
import std.stdio: writeln;
void main() {
auto funcs = new int delegate()[3];
int delegate() makedg(int i)
return { return i; };
foreach (i, ref f; funcs)
f = makedg(i);
foreach (f; funcs)
void main() {
auto funcs = new int delegate()[3];
foreach (i, ref f; funcs)
f = (int i) { return { return i; }; }(i);
foreach (f; funcs)
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